Venus Retrograde already has me in review mode. I was going through some old notes and found the short essay below in which I wrote after my first experience with the Family Constellations. I compared the results of the constellations to the results of participating in sweat lodge ceremonies. Since this experience, I have become a Family Constellations facilitator and am currently creating a spiritual retreat in Santa Fe, New Mexico in which there will be several Family Constellations workshops offered and we will all participate in a traditional sweat lodge ceremony. Major healing and transformation are on the agenda!

“It’s been exactly 1 week since the family constellations workshop, and I’ve needed all 7 days to process and digest what just happened! I’ve sat down to write about it several times and no words would come. Today, 1 week later, the words are finally flowing. If you haven’t attended a Family Constellations workshop, it could be difficult to understand the transformational effects that are ignited. As an anthropology major, once studying cross cultural healers and having documented and experienced dozens of practices, rituals and methods of healing, I can only compare the effects of last week’s workshop to similar results I’ve experienced from Indigenous American sweat lodges. The 2 processes are in no way the same, however by the end of them, I found that I had pushed through something and that I would not be leaving as the same person who entered. And always, always after a sweat lodge ceremony I would expect a change in direction for my life’s course. I feel the same way now. The feeling can be slightly confusing and uncomfortable mixed with relief, excitement, peace and joy. The challenge is, there is no return to the old ways, the familiar habits of programmed, emotional responses that we had when we entered the ceremony, because the old emotions that prompted those responses no longer exist. That energy is then freed up to focus on new goals of happiness and life."