On April 8th, the sun and moon come together at 19 degrees of Aries to create a much anticipated solar eclipse. What the newspapers aren’t mentioning is that the asteroid Chiron, known as the wounded healer, will also be at exactly 19 degrees Aries. The North Node, Venus and Mercury are also in Aries, creating a divine opportunity to release painful past hurts to be replaced with future joys. Picture a karmic seesaw with the past on one side, the future on the other and yourself balancing in the middle. Make time to explore the experiences from the past, maybe even from childhood, that have become heavy and might be getting in the way of the ability to experience a joyful future.
The Aries Solar Eclipse offers a fresh start! And with so many planets in Aries, many will feel the need to rush to make this happen, however the key to using this energy wisely, is to slow down to receive more!
Mercury is in retrograde until April 25th, so use this time to regroup and plan. The more space you can make for letting go, the better!
April 20th is when Jupiter and Uranus come into alignment in Taurus. This energy can literally make the ground (and markets!) shake. The key here is to rise above to receive the cosmic blessings of this alignment. More on that below!
Join the circle Monday, April 8th at 5:00pm EST via zoom. We'll be looking at where this eclipse falls in your chart. It's $22 to attend. |