Astrological Consultations

First-time readings are always at least 60 minutes, exploring the natal, progressed, and transiting charts.
The natal chart is your soul’s blueprint and allows us to understand your life’s purpose, including the challenges and triumphs you came to experience and learn and the gifts you are here to share.
The progressed chart shows how your soul has evolved through your life experiences since your birth.
Finally, the transiting chart shows us what is happening and how the heavenly bodies affect you. This is where we find timing for opportunities, challenges, and growth!
First-time readings can be booked for 60, 90, or 120-minute sessions.
Additional Readings
Solar Return Chart Reading
Astrology got its start with solar return charts! In the past, only royalty was afforded the benefit of astrological counselors, who were utilized to help protect the royal hierarchy's fate.
The Solar Return chart was cast every year for their birthday, or the return of their natal sun to its’ original degree of birth. Each year, we all have a solar return, our birthday. This chart depicts the energy we anticipate experiencing for the year before our next solar return. The good news about this chart is that as royalty did thousands of years ago, we, too, can change our fate by changing our physical location on our actual birthday.
This is a great chart, especially if you plan to travel for your birthday anyway! The session included three preferred locations for the solar return and an explanation of the chart describing the year ahead the client can expect to experience.
This session is 45 minutes.

Couples Reading
Couples readings are a great way for clients to explore each other’s soul connections, communication styles, boundaries, intimacy likes and dislikes, and how to help each other continue to grow.
Consultations include an in-depth look at each client’s natal and progressed charts, both separately and combined.
Couples readings can be booked for 60, 90, or 120-minute sessions.

Electional Astrology Chart Readings
Electional Astrology is used to pick the perfect time and date for important life events. It's a must for starting a new business, getting married, moving, and buying or selling anything of significant value. It’s also a must for anyone planning to have a cesarean birth!
All the research is done before the consultation.
The session is 30 minutes and covers all the aspects of the chart.
Readings are a spiritual and psychological revelation of your deepest self. I always see my clients’ fullest potential and encourage growth and healing. Often, clients find that one reading isn’t enough or need coaching to help them reach the breakthrough point. Therefore, follow-up sessions can be booked to help clients stay on track to achieving their highest goals.
Follow-up Sessions and Coaching can be booked for 30, 45 or 60-minute sessions.